Apr 23, 2019

Rate Quote vs Spot Quote

Rate Quote vs. Spot Quote

An LTL Rate Quote is an estimated amount of charges that result from moving an LTL shipment from origin to destination.

  • Calculated based on information shipper provides, such as:

    • Origin / Destination Zip

    • Dimensions of ShipmentRoadrunner Freight Service Center

    • Weight of Shipment

    • NMFC Classification

    • Potential Accessorials 

  • Provides insight for costs that can
    be expected when moving various shipments
    of the same weight and classification

  • Simplifies ability to pre-plan shipments costs

A Spot Quote, or Volume Quote, is for a shipment that is outside of a typical LTL shipment.

  • To qualify for a spot or volume quote, freight is typically between 5 to 20 linear feet or 5K through 20K pounds

  • Flexible pricing available, as carriers are looking to fill extra capacity to dispatch quickly

  • May be more attractive than LTL Rate Quotes based on an immediate need


Did You Know? Roadrunner Freight offers LTL Quotes through the Rapid Pricing Program.

The Rapid Pricing Program is most effective for shippers who are eager to get their freight moving and want to reduce wasting time waiting for LTL quotes.

Perks of Roadrunner Freight’s Rapid Pricing Program include:

  • Access to Long Haul, Metro-to-Metro lanes

  • Utilize Next Day Delivery in all major cities

  • Take advantage of over 15+ online tools

  • Simplified LTL Shipping
